Thomas Akhøj Ibsen

Kunstner, kunstklinker & Cand.Mag. i filosofi og kulturformidling

Epozy or kintsugi – That is the question?

I made a small business that renovates broken ceramics and pottery. It´s called Reparatio – Reparation af Keramik and it´s a startup business. Very niche! One day I was googling the competition and I found this video from School Of Life. It´s about ‘Kintsugi’ and that is a remarkable Japanese art of repairing broken pottery with elegance and grace. I think […]

Quick Guide to Art History for Dummies

  Art History Timeline The history of art is immense, the earliest cave paintings pre-date writing by almost 27,000 years! If you’re interested in art history, the first thing you should do is take a look at this table which briefly outlines the artists, traits, works, and events that make up major art periods and how art evolved to present […]

The End! One great painting done!

I will showcase some of the progression in painting this big ass painting. It´s oil on canvas. And yes, it is a bit Guernica inspired:-). But with modern animalistic tanks… The scale is H: 149 W: 215.   This paintings current title is “We are Animals”, but is might change. The working title was “The Wars for Peace”. If you have […]

The Orwellian art-speak.

    “The great enemy of clear language is insincerity. When there is a gap between one’s real and one’s declared aims, one turns, as it were, instinctively to long words and exhausted idioms, like a cuttlefish squirting out ink.” – George Orwell. I was recently a guest at the fancy Louis Vuitton Foundation, Paris. It´s a truly amazing museum. A […]

What is art? Objectively!

What is art? The art establishment has an all-inclusive answer: anything is art if a reputed artist or museum expert says it is (the institutional concept of art – invented by George Dickies). Yes, but is it art? Today I will boldly go, where thousands have gone before me! I will cross this minefield in pursuit of an answer to […]